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Indoor HydroCab

lsk pr-03

lsk pr-03
The high - quality 19” cabinet system is particularly suitable for your individual indoor H2 application and includes up to five stackable El 2.1 electrolysers and one dryer.
Several cabinets can be used to build larger systems.
up to 5 electrolyser modules
H2 production of up to 2.500 l/h @35 bar with 99.9 % purity
temp range +5 °C to 40 °C modular and scalable up to 250 kW
optional dryer for 99.999 % H2-purity
optional watertank + fuel cell integration
Plug and play
To place an order, please specify the details of your request in an email.
Contact Us
LSK Green Group a.s.,
IČ: 18009271,
Mayhouse, 5. května 1746/22,
140 00 Praha 4-Nusle,
Czech Republic
+420 777 308 786
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