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The investor's technical supervision (ITS)

Technical supervision of the investor (ITS) is a service provided by an authorized person who supervises that the construction project proceeds in accordance with the project documentation, technical standards and contractual obligations. ITS defends the interests of the investor (builder) during the entire implementation of the construction.


ITS's main tasks include:

* Quality control of the work performed and the materials used.

* Supervision of compliance with technological procedures.

* Participation in inspection days and entries in the construction diary.

* Budget control and approval of completed works.

* Taking over individual parts of the building and finally handing over the building to the investor.


ITS is therefore the key person who monitors the correctness of reported works in relation to the drawing of funds.

Contact Us

LSK Green Group a.s., 

IČ: 18009271,

Mayhouse, 5. května 1746/22,

140 00 Praha 4-Nusle,

Czech Republic,


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Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

LSK Green Group a.s., IČ: 18009271, Mayhouse, 5. května 1746/22,
140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Czech Republic

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